An Exploration into the Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Cadets’ Problem-Solving Skills: A Mix Method Study
Muhammad Ivan
Maria Ulfah
Awalludin Awalludin
Novarita Novarita
Rita Nilawijaya
Di’amah Fitriyyah
Many education and learning experts currently recommend the flipped classroom model as an alternative to learning after the COVID-19 pandemic. This st.
Many education and learning experts currently recommend the flipped classroom model as an alternative to learning after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to explore the impact of the flipped classroom model on social skills and problem-solving skills for cadets. This research used a sequential mix method involving 50 maritime students in semester 7 of the Engineering Study Program at the Maritime Sciences Polytechnic Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Researchers used two main instruments, namely problem-solving skill tests and interviews. Furthermore, in the quantitative analysis, the researcher ran paired sample t-tests and one-way Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) using the SPSS 25.00 program. In addition, researchers also analysed qualitative data from interviews using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed that the flipped classroom model proved to have a positive effect on the problem-solving skills of maritime students. Other findings state that the cadets also respond positively to the flipped classroom model. Researchers recommend that teachers use the flipped classroom model, especially in dealing with learning in the post-pandemic era, like today.
Keywords: Flipped classroom, mix method, problem-solving skill.
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