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Research Article

Bibliometric Investigation in Misconceptions and Conceptual Change Over Three Decades of Science Education

Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin , Achmad Samsudin , Andi Suhandi , Bayram Costu

This paper explores information related to misconceptions and conceptual change during the last thirty years 1992-2022 to be used as a preliminary stu.


This paper explores information related to misconceptions and conceptual change during the last thirty years 1992-2022 to be used as a preliminary study in science education. This study used bibliometric analysis with the help of the Scopus database. This paper used a bibliometric analysis study with the Scopus database and the help of MS Excel, VosViewer, and Rpackage software to visualize the data obtained. The results of this research found that Indonesian researchers have contributed the most in terms of the number of documents published in Australia and the United States. Additionally, research on these two topics has decreased since 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, these findings present trends in the areas of misconceptions and conceptual change that can be used as baseline data for future research. Studies related to misconceptions will continue to develop because they cannot be separated from the inside of education, whether at any level of elementary school, middle school, or college. This is an opportunity that must be taken advantage of by institutions and policies in an effort to improve and create quality of education, teacher resources, and students.

Keywords: Bibliometric, conceptual change, misconception, science education, trend research.

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