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Review Article

Collaborative e-Portfolios Use in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Co-Design Strategy

Peng Zhang , Gemma Tur

As the globe gradually entered the post-pandemic phase, electronic portfolio practises during the COVID-19 pandemic should be examined for future impl.


As the globe gradually entered the post-pandemic phase, electronic portfolio practises during the COVID-19 pandemic should be examined for future implementation. During the lockdown, electronic portfolio use was observed in higher education institutions by urging the provision of teaching and learning in a virtual mode. Under these conditions, the study analyses empirical e-portfolio practices and proposes a co-design model for effective e-portfolio implementation. This study is based on a systematic review, which included searching for and retrieving 221 papers from academic paper databases in English, Chinese, and Spanish; systematic screening using the Rayyan tool and the PRISMA model; and finally, extracting 12 publications, which were analysed by VOS Viewer and Nvivo, focusing on collaboration. The data collected allows for gathering several patterns of collaboration in e-portfolio practice. Based on the results obtained, a co-design strategy is suggested, which includes collaborative frameworks in e-portfolio implementation processes such as the community of inquiry (CoI) and community of practice (CoP). The co-design strategy provides the formulation of implementation recommendations related to collaborative e-portfolio. Conclusions reflect on utilising e-portfolios collaboratively in higher education settings by presenting a co-design strategy that is supported by the CoI and CoP frameworks.

Keywords: Co-design, COVID-19, e-portfolio, higher education, systematic review.

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