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Review Article

Mapping Ethnomathematical Research Directions and Trends in the Scopus Database: A Bibliometric Analysis

Muhammad Turmuzi , I Gusti Putu Suharta , I Wayan Puja Astawa , I Nengah Suparta

Although research on ethnomathematics has been widely carried out, there is still little empirical evidence reporting the mapping and trends of ethnom.

  • Pub. date: August 15, 2024
  • Online Pub. date: June 12, 2024
  • Pages: 431-453
  • 0 Citations

Although research on ethnomathematics has been widely carried out, there is still little empirical evidence reporting the mapping and trends of ethnomathematical research in Scopus-indexed journals. The purpose of writing this article is to map trends in ethnomathematical research in Scopus-indexed journals in the range from 1986 to 2022. The fundamental tenet of ethnomathematics is to study, appreciate, and exclusively take into account the application of mathematics by ethnic groups. In other words, in understanding mathematics to look attractive, it is necessary to make a connection between everyday life and the realm of abstract mathematics. Scopus is a resource for further research, identifying scientific uniqueness and gaps. This study uses bibliometric analysis methods using VOSviewer, article searches using Publish or Perish (version 8), and SEforRA applications. Bibliometric research provides a reliable and impartial way to gauge the contribution of an article to knowledge advancement and is a tool that is often used to analyze trends and performance on certain subjects. These findings reveal an increasing trend in ethnomathematical research and identify some topics or keywords that could form the basis for additional studies. In conclusion, for future studies, bibliometric analysis will provide information and knowledge about the evolution of ethnomathematical research.

Keywords: Bibliometric, ethnomathematical research, mapping, Scopus database.

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