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Research Article

Observational Record and Self-Report of Teacher-Student Performance in High School Lessons

Aldo Bazán-Ramírez , Néstor Miguel Velarde-Corrales , María Elena Rodríguez-Pérez , Jorge Guerrero-Barrios , Roberta Brita Anaya-González

There are different strategies to analyze teacher and student performance when they interact with each other in class. The most used strategies are di.


There are different strategies to analyze teacher and student performance when they interact with each other in class. The most used strategies are direct observation and verbal reports. Even though what is observed or reported depends on theoretical frameworks regarding didactic interactions, these must be related to teacher functions such as supervision, providing feedback, and evaluation of student performance. In this study, instruments for observational recording and verbal reports were developed and validated considering teacher functions and their student performance counterparts to compare the degree of correspondence or divergence between data gathered from both strategies. 135 students enrolled in a science class and their teachers participated. The class was taught in a public high school located in center/south Mexico. Classes were videotaped and the corresponding observational records were analyzed. Two months later, verbal reports were administered to students and teachers. Coincidences and differences that were found revealed that observer-observe interaction is conditioned by social norms. These results were interpreted considering the notion of silence as a communicative element.

Keywords: Didactic interaction, direct observation methodology, verbal self-reports, teacher performance criteria, student performance criteria.

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