On-Line Quality Management a Precursor for Improving E-Learning Adoption in Midwifery Schools in Uganda
June Patrick Bigirwa , Stephen Ndawula , Esther Frances Naluwemba
E-learning pedagogy is used in many health training institutions in Uganda, However, despite the high investment, e-learning adoption is still low. Th.
- Pub. date: May 15, 2020
- Pages: 271-283
- 3 Citations
- #On-line quality management
- # e-learning adoption
- # Midwifery schools
- # Uganda
- # developing country.
E-learning pedagogy is used in many health training institutions in Uganda, However, despite the high investment, e-learning adoption is still low. This study aimed at ascertaining the relevance of on-line quality management in improve e-learning adoption in midwifery schools in Uganda. It used an explanatory sequential mixed methods design to ascertain if on-line quality management was significant at improving e-learning adoption and the on-line quality traits which would be implemented by midwifery schools to improve e-learning adoption. Data collection was conducted in two phases, the first entailed quantitative data collection and analysis to determine if on-line quality management was significant to e-learning adoption. The second embraced a qualitative data collection and analysis to ascertain the detailed traits of on-line quality management relevant to e-learning adoption. Linear regression analysis established on-line quality management had influence on e-learning adoption (p=0.000). On-line quality management accounted for 55.5% of the variance in e-learning adoption with a strong positive statistically significant relationship, and its salient traits included; Compact Disc, Read-Only-Memory materials meets the expectation of users, collaborative improvement of on-line quality, Learning Management System meets expectations of users, providing the best on-line experience, e-learning program being described as an excellent on-line learning experience, and guidelines for improving on-line quality. Midwifery schools therefore have to focus on the six most relevant traits of on-line quality management if they are to improve e-learning adoption.
on line quality management e learning adoption midwifery schools uganda developing country
Keywords: On-line quality management, e-learning adoption, Midwifery schools, Uganda, developing country.
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