School and Home as Study Spaces: Attitudes of Teachers, Parents, and Students to E-learning During the COVID-19 Period: The Case of Israel
During the period of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the boundaries between the home and the school as study spaces were blurred. School studies e.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2021
- Pages: 715-731
- 3 Citations
During the period of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the boundaries between the home and the school as study spaces were blurred. School studies entered the home, with the parents present and observing their children’s e-lessons and the teachers’ teaching methods. The purpose of the current study was to explore the explicit and implicit attitudes of the lesson partners: teachers, parents, and students, to e-learning. The study explores whether and to what degree the attitudes of teachers, students, and parents to e-teaching are compatible, and what are the implications for the future. The study shows that although in recent years the relationships between parents and the school and between teachers and students have waned, with regard to the separation of authorities between the home and school, the period of the COVID-19 crisis clarified the need to enhance the relationship and cooperation between the home and the school as two meaningful study spaces for independent learners. The research findings raise the paradox that not only does technology not increase the distance rather it has the potential to strengthen the relationships between parents, teachers, and the school. The study points to the need to prepare holistic guidance sessions and professional development courses.
Keywords: COVID-19 period, e-learning, social-emotional, study spaces.
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