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Research Article

Socio-formative Pedagogical Counseling: Professionalization and Improvement of Teaching Practice in Compulsory Education in Northern Mexico

Haydeé Parra Acosta , Perla Briselda Cordero Lerma , José López Loya

Technical and pedagogical counseling as accompaniment benefits teachers’ development. However, there are information gaps on the specific impact.


Technical and pedagogical counseling as accompaniment benefits teachers’ development. However, there are information gaps on the specific impact of counseling with a socio-formative approach on both professionalization and the improvement of teaching practice. The objective is to analyze the relationship between these three elements. A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was employed. A validated questionnaire was applied to a representative sample of 212 teachers. The information analysis was carried out through statistics: descriptive, correlational, and linear regression, whose level of significance was: <.01-. 05. Teachers consider that technical and pedagogical counseling from socio-formation fosters the development of an ethical life project, promotes problem solving in their educational practice, collaborative work, metacognition, and entrepreneurship (92.78 ± 14.3). The correlational analysis showed a significant relationship between socio-formative pedagogical technical counseling and teaching practice, the latter of which was enhanced by the former. In the linear regression analysis, the best model of pedagogical technical counseling is made from socio-formation, which predicts a 71% improvement of teaching practice. As a result, this form of counseling benefits both professionalization and teaching practice through metacognition.

Keywords: Technical and pedagogical, accompaniment, problem solving, metacognition, ethical life project.

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