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augmented reality effective learning experience innovation motivation situated learning

Situated Learning and Education: Development and Validation of the Future Teacher Attitudes Scale in the Application of Augmented Reality in the Classroom

María Dolores Díaz-Noguera , Ángela Martín-Gutiérrez , Jesús García-Jiménez , Carlos Hervás-Gómez

This research article focuses on the design and validation of a questionnaire to analyse future teachers' perceptions of professional skills throu.


This research article focuses on the design and validation of a questionnaire to analyse future teachers' perceptions of professional skills through the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in higher education, specifically for students in the field of Educational Sciences. The sample consisted of 575 students of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy during the academic year (2021/2022). The focus of this study is to authenticate a questionnaire that measures the influence of Augmented Reality (AR) on aspects such as situated learning, motivation, and the necessary instructional preparations for the successful integration of AR within classroom educational encounters. The questionnaire is an online Likert-type scale developed based on three dimensions: situated learning, motivation and training. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and JASP 0.17.1. The questionnaire met the standards recommended for validation. However, improvements to the instrument are suggested. In conclusion, validation of instruments is necessary to gain a rigorous understanding of the impact of new learning environments.

Keywords: Augmented reality, effective learning experience, innovation, motivation, situated learning.

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