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Research Article

The Effects of SCAMPER Technique Activities in the 8th Grade Simple Machines Unit on Students’ Academic Achievement, Motivation and Attitude towards Science Lessons

Tuba Altiparmak , Özlem Eryilmaz-Muştu

This study examines the effects of the SCAMPER technique-based educational activities in the simple machines unit of a science lesson on students'.


This study examines the effects of the SCAMPER technique-based educational activities in the simple machines unit of a science lesson on students' academic achievement, motivation and attitude. The study examines the effects of the simple machines unit activities in the science lesson through a paired quasi-experimental design, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The sample group of the research consists of 33 eighth-grade students studying in a middle school in the Ortaköy district of the Aksaray province in 2018–2019. The research uses simple random sampling method. The experimental group was given SCAMPER-based activities in the simple machines unit for 4 hours a week with a total of 16 hours, and lessons were conducted with the control group in line with the curriculum. To collect data within the framework of the research, the 'attitude scale towards science lesson', scale for 'students' motivation towards science learning' and 'simple machines unit achievement test' were used. As a result, when compared to the control group, there was a significant difference in the academic achievement and motivation of the experimental group who performed SCAMPER-based activities in the simple machines unit of the science lesson. There was no significant difference between the attitude scores of the experimental and control group as a result of the study.

Keywords: Academic achievement, attitude, creative thinking, motivation, SCAMPER, science education.

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