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Research Article

The Pedagogical Knowledge of Technology Education Teachers

Vilma González-Ferro , Hidis Alfaro-Ponce , José Felipe Torres-Rivero , Linda Martínez-Díaz , Luis Cárdenas-Barrios

The research on the pedagogical knowledge of teachers in technological education arises from the need to address the problem of pedagogical practices,.


The research on the pedagogical knowledge of teachers in technological education arises from the need to address the problem of pedagogical practices, which are traditional. The classes are at the graduate level, focusing on lecturing the student while the student remains with a passive attitude. It is believed that making explicit that teachers' pedagogical knowledge will allow reflection and awareness, thereby transforming pedagogical practices. Therefore, the objective is to understand the teachers’ constructions on pedagogical knowledge in technology programs in Plant Operations and Industrial Instrumentation of the Faculty of Engineering in order to reconstruct it theoretically, as well as identify its characteristics and trace action routes for teacher training. In this way, it allows education to be accessible to low-income and resource-poor populations, whose purpose is to strengthen the productivity and competitiveness of the economy through the training of human talent according to the needs of the working sector in a unique context. This research uses grounded theory as a methodological tool for data processing. In this sense, data collection procedures such as in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 teachers and seven of them were related to the industry. Whereas, 9 were linked to the teaching(educational) sector including elementary, high school and college level. The results showed differentiated, and socially constructed pedagogical knowledge that responds to teachers’ nature in a particular context. These results contribute to consolidate a broad vision about the pedagogical knowledge’s characteristics that the teacher builds.

Keywords: Education, higher education, pedagogical knowledge, teacher training, technological.

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