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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Traditional Houses in Ethnomathematical-Thematic-Connected-Based Mathematics Learning

Rachmaniah Mirza Hariastuti , Mega Teguh Budiarto , Manuharawati

Traditional houses are part of the culture of every country. Indonesia is a country that has a variety of traditional houses. The traditional Banyuwan.


Traditional houses are part of the culture of every country. Indonesia is a country that has a variety of traditional houses. The traditional Banyuwangi house is known as the Using house. This house can be explored in terms of ethnomathematics and used as part of learning mathematics. This research is focused on knowing and describing mathematics learning that integrates the ethnomathematics of Using house, thematic, and connected models. The research was also conducted to determine the effectiveness of the learning that has been carried out. The results showed that the use of the Using house in ethnomathematical-thematic-connected-based mathematics learning: (1) could be done using the trivium concept (literacy, matheracy, and technoracy); (2) can be done thematically by integrating four subjects (Indonesian, social sciences, fine arts, and mathematics); (3) can be connected by integrating two mathematical concepts (two-dimensional geometry and arithmetic); (4) through seven phases of learning; and (5) effective because 80% of students can solve problems as expected.

Keywords: Math connection, ethnomathematics, problem-solving, culture-themed learning, Using traditional house.

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