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Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives: Gender and Gender Representation across Human Protagonists in Picture Books
diversity gender gender stereotypes picture books teacher training...
Gender is ever present in education preparation, school materials, curriculum, and school systems. To improve our knowledge about different facets of gender and the extent to which the depiction of gender has changed over time in picture books, there is a need to dig beneath the surface of questions about gender representation in picture books. Given that in-service teachers have proximity to approximately 75 million K-12 students, how in-service teachers think about gender, gender representation, and their own experiences with gender socialization have important implications on how K-12 students think, act, and feel about gender. In this study, we focused on teachers’ responses to a semester-long assignment about the selection and review of picture books. Specifically, we captured teachers’ perceptions on gendered images evidenced in picture books and to what extent there are changes (i.e., economical, emotional, physical, political, and social) in the central character throughout the book. We also explored if perceived changes were different based on the gender of the characters. Teachers reported four types of changes among the characters in the picture book. Emotionally changes in the books’ central characters emerged as the most commonly reported change among our participants.
Habituation of Mathematical Literacy Trained in Junior High School
mathematics learning in junior high school phenomenology study training of mathematics literacy...
The importance of literacy is a competency requirement that must be possessed by students to face competition in the 21st century. This is directly related to the extent to which students' scientific thinking processes understand and solve problems. This study aims to describe how literacy is trained in learning in junior high schools. The approach used is a qualitative approach with the type of phenomenological research. The participants in this study were 5 junior high school teachers who teach in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data was collected through virtual interviews with the help of the Google Meet platform. The data analysis model used is the model of Bogdan and Biklen with data collection procedures, data reduction, verification and conclusion. The results showed that literacy was trained on students with the habit of reading textbooks for 15 to 30 minutes every day by reporting their readings in student journals, teacher efforts in changing project and problem-based learning methods and strategies according to student conditions, and teacher habituation in providing HOTS level questions to train students' critical thinking processes, balance theoretical understanding and understand the surrounding environment.
The Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Approach in Biology Teaching in Primary School: A Comparison With Monodisciplinary Approach
biology teaching effectiveness interdisciplinary approach monodisciplinary approach quality and retention of knowledge...
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning is an approach that synthesizes the curricular objectives and methods of two or more disciplines or subjects focusing on a specific topic or issue. While it is being increasingly implemented in universities, at lower levels of education there are still countries where science subjects are taught and learned fragmentarily. To assess the significance of the interdisciplinary approach in primary school biology teaching, the paper aims at an experimental verification of the effectiveness of this method in relation to the quality and retention of student knowledge, compared to the monodisciplinary approach to teaching and learning biology. The paper also describes a scenario for teaching a topic in which biological and geographical contents correlate. The study applied a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups. In total, 180 students attending two primary schools in the city of Novi Sad participated in the experiment and were divided into an experimental and a control group. The findings suggest that the interdisciplinary approach improved the quality and retention of student knowledge. The experimental group was more successful in completing tasks that required comprehension and practical application of knowledge. The study thus emphasizes the need for a professional curriculum development that would enhance the interdisciplinary correlation of various disciplines.
Simplification and Empirical Verification of Learning Styles Index for Indonesian Students
engineering learning style index short form verification indonesia...
This article investigates the adoption, simplification, and usage recommendations of the Indonesian Index of Learning Style Short Form (ILS-SF). The aim is to refine the initial Indonesian ILS, compare the suitability between engineering/non-engineering and high school/university, and assess their learning styles. The participants were 678 students (413 females), with an average age of 19.4±1.92 years. The methods used in this study were adopting the existing Indonesian version of ILS, simplifying–reducing the number of items, empirical verification (validity and reliability), and Indonesia data assessment. The results show that the original ILS could be simplified without sacrificing the quality of the model. On the contrary, validity and reliability measures have increased. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) supports a reduction from 44 to 15 items. It confirms the validity with favorable indices such as CFI (0.972), TLI (0.966), RMSEA (0.021), SRMR (0.049), and GFI (0.999)—Active-Reflective Cronbach's alpha at 0.507, Sensing-Intuitive at 0.590, and Visual-Verbal at 0.553. Indonesian ILS-SF is faster, simpler, more suitable for engineering than non-engineering, and more ideal for undergraduate than high school students. The analysis revealed that sensory (40.2%), active (18%), and visual (10.2%) preferences dominate among Indonesian students. This study highlights assessment tools tailored to diverse educational contexts.