'depression' Search Results
Cyberbullying among College Students: A Look at Its Prevalence at a U.S. Catholic University
cyberbullying college students catholic university...
The intention of this study was to make a positive contribution to the scant literature on cyberbullying at the post-secondary level. Participants were 187 undergraduate students matriculated at a large U.S. Northeastern metropolitan Roman Catholic university. The focus of the study was on the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration at the university. Eight students (4.3%) indicated that they were victims of cyberbullying at the university level; a total of 14 (7.5%) students acknowledged having participated in bullying at that level. A significant finding had to do with the comfort level of students in reporting cyberbullying. A comparison of the results of our study to those of the only other study of cyberbullying conducted at an institution of higher learning with the same religious affiliation revealed similar results.
Why Does The Use of Social Network Site (SNS) Make Happy? : A Qualitative Analysis
university student social network cites usage happiness qualitative analysis fear of missing out...
The aim of this study investigate to the reasons why the usage of Social Network Sites (SNS) makes users happy. To this end, the study was conducted with as a qualitative research method. The phenomenological design, which is a qualitative research method, was utilized for determining why SNS usage cause happiness and having a better to understand of how SNS users describe SNSs and what they feel about it. The study group was composed of 137 university students (60 males and 77 females) attending the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Literature, and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at a university in the southwestern of Turkey. A structured, open-ended interview was used as the data collection instrument. The contributors were asked the question “Why does SNS usage cause happiness?” and their answers were retrieved. The answers were encoded and entered to the NVivo software to conduct analyses. Based on the most frequent answers of the participants, three different experts were consulted and seven themes were created accordingly. These seven themes include Need for Stroke, Self-Concealment, Ease of Interaction, Ease of Accessing and Disseminating Information, Ease of Shopping, Leisure Activity, and Fear of Missing Out. Subcategories were also created for these seven themes. It was concluded that the theme of FoMO is nourished by all other themes.
The Mediating Role of Teachers’ Depression Levels on The Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Burn-Out
depression emotional labor burnout mediation effect...
The aim of this study is to understand the mediation effects of teachers’ depression levels on the relationship between emotional labor and burnout. The study group in this research consists of 163 teachers working at Gaziantep schools during 2013-2014 academic year. Since the research aims to analyze mediation effect of teachers’ depression levels on the relationship between emotional labor and burnout, the research design employed in this study is relational scanning model. Maslach’s Burnout Scale, Emotional Labor Scale and Depression Scale were used as data collection tools. Regression analysis of the effect of emotional labor on burnout show that, after depression level is added to the model, the effect of emotional intelligence on burnout decreases which indicates that the depression level is a mediator variable in this relationship. Results of analysis regarding mediation effect of depression levels on the relationship between teachers’ emotional labor and burnout also illustrate that depression levels are partial mediator in this relationship. Within that context, it is recommended that activities that could decrease teachers’ depression levels at schools should be organized by school administrators. Some other recommendations are presented based on findings.
Students' Family Support, Peer Relationships, and Learning Motivation and Teachers Fairness Have an Influence on the Victims of Bullying in Middle School of Hong Kong
victims of bullying pisa 2015 peer relationship family support learning motivation...
This study aims to explore the effect of students’ family socio-economic status, gender, family support, learning motivation and peer relationships and teachers’ equity on the victims of school bullying in Hong Kong. Additionally, the model was analyzed by SEM. The participants in this study were 15 year-old middle school students living in Hong Kong. The data were collected from the PISA 2015 database and the valid number was 4856. The results indicating that family support, peer relationships, and teacher fairness have a negative influence on school bullying. Family support affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Peer relationship affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Teacher fairness affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation.
Investigation of Social Media Addiction of High School Students
social media addiction daily average internet usage period high school student...
The aim of this study was to investigate the social media addiction of high school students in terms of some variables such as age, class, type of school, gender and daily average internet usage period. Survey method was used in the study. “Social Media Addiction Scale” (SMAS) developed by Tutgun-Unal and “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researcher were used as data collection tools. The data were obtained from a total of 596 students studying in three high schools with different academic achievement level in Kirsehir in Turkey. No significant difference was found in terms of gender variable. When the total scores of high school students on Social Media Addiction Scale are examined, it is determined that the students have “low level of addiction”. In addition, it was found that there was a significant relationship between high school students' daily average internet usage time and social media addiction.
Examination of the Relationship between Prospective Teachers’ Occupational Anxiety and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Canonical Correlation
occupational anxiety technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack) canonical correlation...
In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between prospective teachers' occupational anxiety and technological pedagogical content knowledge. Correlational model was used in this study. The participants consisted of 481 prospective teachers studying at Sakarya University Faculty of Education in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (TPACKS) and Occupational Anxiety Scale (OAS) were used as data collection instruments. As a result of canonical correlation analysis, it was determined that technological pedagogical content knowledge affects occupational anxiety by 62%.
The Relationship between Resilience and Distress Tolerance in College Students: The Mediator Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation
resilience distress tolerance cognitive flexibility difficulties in emotion regulation...
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediator role of cognitive flexibility and difficulties in emotion regulation in the relationship between resilience and distress tolerance amongst college students. The sample of the study involved 1114 students (771 females, 343 males) from various universities in Turkey. The mean age of the sample was 20.65 (Sd=2.77). The Resilience Scale, Distress Tolerance Scale, Cognitive Flexibility Scale, and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) had been used to collect data. In this study, a Serial Multiple Mediation Model was used, as proposed by Hayes. The findings showed that people with a higher level of distress tolerance possess higher degrees of cognitive flexibility and that cognitively more flexible individuals experience less difficulty in emotion regulation, and thus, lower levels of difficulty in emotion regulation were associated with an increase in resilience. Furthermore, the model in its entirety had proven to be statistically significant, accounting for 42% of the total variance.
Refugee Children’s Drawings: Reflections of Migration and War
refugee children migration war children's drawings...
Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of economic problems, warfare, safety, etc. Warfare and migration definitely bring about traumatic incidents for all humanity. However, they are much more destructive for children. The current study aims to review the warfare-and-migration-themed drawings of the Syrian and Palestinian children living in Turkey as refugees in comparison to the Turkish children’s drawings. A case study design was employed as a qualitative methodology. 19 Syrian, 6 Palestinian and 25 Turkish children aged between 6-10 years studying in various primary schools in City of Istanbul made up the study sample. Children were asked to draw pictures of warfare and migration, observed and interviewed for data collection. Content analysis was used to determine the themes present in the qualitative data. The themes identified in the drawings were discussed referring to the literature and recommendations were made.
Relationship between Parental Burnout Level and Perceived Social Support Levels of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
autism spectrum disorder parental burnout perceived social support satisfaction with perceived social support...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests itself and continues during the disorder’s course with symptoms of inadequacies in social interaction and communication, limited and repetitive behaviors and limited interests. It was stated that the burden and fatigue stemming from the long-term care of the child, changing family roles and routines, difficulties encountered during diagnosis and access to services, getting insufficient information about the diagnosis, the need for information to access appropriate education and rehabilitation services and the economic burden caused by satisfying this need, and the difficulties in participating in social life account for burnout in parents of children with ASD. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parental burnout, and the perceived social support level of parents of children with ASD and their satisfaction level from this support. In addition to this main purpose, (a) the relationship between parental burnout level, and the ages of the children with ASD, the time since diagnosis and parental age, and (b) whether there is a difference in the parental burnout level according to parental education level and gender were examined in the study. Data was collected from the parents of 296 children who met the criteria for participation in the study using the Participant Information Form, Parental Burnout Scale and Revised Parental Social Support Scale. The study results revealed that there was a weak and moderate negative relationship between perceived social support and parental burnout.
Investigation of Prospective Teachers' Spiritual Well-Beings and Life Satisfactions in Terms of Specified Variables
spiritual well-being prospective teachers well-being life satisfaction...
This study was conducted to investigate prospective teachers' spiritual well-beings and life satisfactions in terms of specified variables. 298 students from various departments of universities participated in the study. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale developed by Paloutzian and Ellison, and adapted to Turkish by Eksi and Kardas, the Life Satisfaction Scale developed by Diener et al. and translated and adapted to Turkish by Koker and a Personal Information Form prepared by the researcher were used in the study. This study was a descriptive study based on survey model. The study data were subjected to normality tests and analyzed accordingly. Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H Test and Spearman Rho correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. Results of the study, indicated that spiritual well-being levels of prospective teachers significantly varied by gender, year of study, field of study and educational status of father. Life satisfaction levels of prospective teachers significantly varied by field of study. Furthermore, there was a moderate positive correlation between total score for spiritual well-being and life satisfaction.
Investigation of the Relationship between Psychological Resilience, Patience and Happiness Levels of Physical Education Teachers
psychological resilience patience happiness physical education...
The research aims were to examine the relationship among psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels of physical education teachers employing in İzmir, Afyonkarahisar, and Muğla provinces in the Aegean Region and was to explain whether psychological resilience and patience levels predict happiness. The research was a descriptive study in the relational scanning model. The study participants consisted of 336 PE teachers, 182 (54.2%) were males, and 154 (45.8%) were females.. The data were obtained using the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), Patience Scale and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. In the analysis of data were used SPSS 25 statistical program. The analysis of the data descriptive statistics, correlation, and statistical regression methods were used. As a result of the research, it was determined that the psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels were at medium levels according to the average score the PE teachers got from the scales. It was found that there is a moderate positive relationship between PE teachers' psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels, and psychological resilience and patience levels are a significant predictor of happiness.
Natural Disaster Education in School: A Bibliometric Analysis with a Detailed Future Insight Overview
bibliometric analysis; natural disaster; natural disaster education; natural disaster literacy...
In some places of the world, disasters occur virtually every day. If disasters are not properly foreseen, they may result in many fatalities. This research aims to examine the growth and pattern of literature on natural disaster education in schools. This analytical strategy combines quantitative and statistical methods to discover trends, assess quality, and track development. A total of 216 documents were chosen from the 403 documents collected. Following 2015, there was a considerable increase in four-year publications. Authors from the United States contributed to 45 papers with 37% citations and ranked first, followed by authors from Japan (31 documents; 15% citations) and Indonesia (31 documents) with rankings citations below the top 10. Most publications were published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (12 docs; Q1 Scimago Journal Rank 1.1 (SJR 1.1)). The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines had the most citations (100; Q1 SJR 3.6) and was ranked first in its discipline. The existing core literature on school education on natural disasters demonstrates that this topic is developing rapidly, but with insufficient international research collaboration. Research cooperation in this area must be strengthened to better the global response to natural disaster mitigation, which should begin in schools worldwide. There is a need to widen the scope of study in this field to include natural disaster preparedness education in the school curriculum, assessments, learning media, disaster response education, and instructional designs. Finally, disaster education in schools must be addressed as soon as possible to contribute to disaster preparedness.
Psychometric Properties of Online Adolescent Anger Instrument
adolescent anger expressions exploratory factor analysis online instrument...
Anger is a topic that requires intervention from teachers, counsellors, psychologists, parents, and all communities. The expressions of anger are subjective and sometimes hard to identify. Thus, anger should be measured more objectively, while the expressions need to be examined closely. The purpose of this study is to provide valid confirmation for development of an online instrument to measure the types of anger expression among adolescents. Data were collected from 935 adolescents from nine schools in northern Malaysia and the theoretical literature search. The data were analysed to provide evidence of construct validity in terms of item factor analysis, reliability estimates, and correlation between the types of anger expressions. Findings were used to develop an online Adolescent Anger Instrument. It measures five types of anger expressions, namely, physical, verbal, intrinsic, extrinsic, and passive. The results showed that the instrument is internally consistent with high evidence of construct validity. Exploratory factor analysis, with varimax rotation, suggested the existence of five distinct types of anger as conceptualised. Meanwhile, the correlation between types of anger expressions indicates the strength of the relationship between them. Discussions on the findings are provided, while suggestions for future research are also described.
Assessment of Gaming Addiction and Perceived Psychological Distress Among Filipino Young Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic
covid-19 pandemic game addiction interactive online games psychological distress psychological intervention program...
Online game addiction and psychological distress are two continuously developing problems in the Philippines, with Filipinos aged 18 to 24 being the second largest age group to overuse interactive online-related games. This sequential explanatory mixed method study aimed to assess the young adults’ gaming addiction and perceived psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify the other factors contributing to the respondents’ frequent engagement in online interactive games, which served as a basis for a preventive intervention program. The researcher administered the survey questionnaires of the Gaming Addiction Scale and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 to 399 young adults aged 18–24 and a semi-structured interview guide to 20 addicted and non-addicted gamers. Key results showed that a small percentage of the respondents experienced polythetic and serious monothetic addiction to interactive online games. In contrast, half of the respondents manifested mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Major findings also found no significant gender differences in the level of online game addiction and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a moderate level of relationship substantiated the association. Further results revealed that the negative compensatory factors were associated with addicted gamers’ frequent engagement with online games, whereas non-addicted gamers were associated with positive, beneficial factors. This phenomenon has hardly ever been the focus of in-depth research, and the results of this study can be used to further refine the conceptualization of “internet gaming disorder” as a mental disorder and develop a more comprehensive treatment method.
Teachers' Awareness of Students' Learning Situations During Distance Learning: Implications for Students' Academic Performance
blended learning readiness learning anxiety learning environment students’ perception teacher’s awareness...
This study focused on teachers' awareness of students' learning situations during distance learning. It took place at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) - Gabaldon Campus during the academic year 2021-2022. The study employed descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational designs. The 249 students were selected using a stratified sampling technique, whereas the 25 teachers were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Findings revealed that teachers are aware of their students' situations. The students believe that they faced learning challenges during distance learning. There is a significant difference between male and female teachers in terms of student learning environment awareness, but no statistically significant difference in the teacher's awareness of the student's learning situation across age groups, service years, and academic rank. There is a significant difference in the learning anxiety of male and female students but not in the learning environment and blended learning readiness. The learning environment and readiness for blended learning do not differ significantly across age groups of students, but anxiety does. A statistically significant difference in student readiness in blended learning was observed based on students' courses but not on the learning environment or anxiety. There is no significant difference in students' learning situations based on family income or parental educational attainment. There was no significant difference in student achievement based on the teachers' level of awareness. Achievement is positively correlated with learning environment and readiness but negatively associated with anxiety. In addition, the study discussed its theoretical and practical implications.
Student’s Readiness on the Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes: The Aftermath of Face-to-Face Class Restriction
academic readiness physical readiness socio-emotional readiness...
This research analyzes the effects of restricting face-to-face classes during the lockdown and students' preparation for face-to-face instruction. During the academic year 2021-2022 break, it was conducted at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST)-Gabaldon Campus's College of Education. This study employed a descriptive correlational and descriptive comparative research design. The 151 education students who participated in this study were chosen using a stratified sampling method. According to the study, students received satisfactory to very satisfactory grades during the lockdown. The study also showed that after the lockdown and after the Commission on Higher Education recommended face-to-face classes, the majority of respondents agree that they are academically, socio-emotionally, and physically prepared to go through a face-to-face mode of learning. The majority of them prefer face-to-face classes to any other form of distance learning. The general weighted average of a student is a predictor of academic readiness in face-to-face classes. In addition, students' general weighted averages have direct link to their socio-emotional readiness. Students' profiles, on the other hand, have no impact on their physical readiness. There is no significant difference in student preparation in face-to-face classes when students are grouped by gender, year and section, and civil status. There is no association between the student profile and their preferred mode of learning. The theoretical and practical ramifications of the research were also addressed.
Game-Based Learning Kit Method in Isometric Transformations: Usability and Effects on Students’ Achievement and Motivation
game based learning isometric transformations mathematics motivation...
This study focused on the development of teaching aids for the topic of Isometric Transformations for Form 2 students in Malaysia. The first objective was to determine the usability of teaching aids in the isometric transformations kit integrates game-based learning (GBL) Method (KitTI Method) and the second objective was to examine the effectiveness of using the KitTI Method on students’ achievement and motivation. This study was directed by the Design and Development Research (DDR) model with survey and quasi-experimental designs. The sample selection was conducted by cluster sampling involving Form 2 students from schools in the district of Muallim and Batang Padang in the state of Perak. The instruments used were KitTI Method Teaching Aids Usability Questionnaire (KMTAUQ), Isometric Transformations Topic Achievement Test (ITTAT), and KitTI Method Motivation Questionnaire (KMMQ). The findings showed that the mean score of KitTI Method‘s usability was high, the treatment group obtained significantly higher improvement in achievement compared to the control group while the mean scores of pre-test achievement as a covariate and students’ motivation in learning Isometric Transformations were high. Therefore, the KitTI Method is suitable to be implemented as a guide for mathematics teachers in designing dynamic teaching and learning and is able to improve students’ achievement and motivation.
Validation of the Adolescent Social Identity Measure: Adolescents’ Perception of Themselves in a Social Context
adolescents confirmatory factor analysis social identity validation...
Social identity is an important social determinant of student outcomes such as mental health and well-being. Currently, no validated social identity measures exist for adolescents in secondary school settings. A new ‘Adolescent Social Identity’ measure was developed by adapting two social identity dimensions from a validated reputation enhancement scale. The Social Identity Measure comprises two scales of 10 items each to measure how adolescents think their peers view them (e.g., reputational status) in terms of their conforming and nonconforming behaviour (Self-perception of Public Self) and how adolescents would ideally like to be viewed (Ideal Public Self) by peers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted along with assessments of reliability, validity, and measurement invariance. Conforming and Nonconforming subscales for both scales were shown to be reliable, valid, and invariant across age and gender groupings. There were significant but small differences in the latent means for gender.
Profiles of Teacher-Student Relationships and Classroom Management Practices: How They Relate to Self-Efficacy, Work Stress, and Classroom Climate
classroom management prosocial classroom model teacher profile teacher-student relationships teacher wellbeing...
Teachers' classroom practice encompasses diverse facets of teacher behavior. Understanding teachers’ classroom practice is important as the literature has been well documented its association with student, teacher, and classroom outcomes. Positive teacher-student relationships and proper classroom management, both are important aspects of teachers’ classroom practices, have been empirically linked to increasing student academic performance and reducing problem behaviors. This study explored patterns of teacher classroom practices across teacher-student relationships and classroom management and validated them using a person-oriented approach, k-means clustering, on three sets of data with over 600 participants. Using indicators of classroom assessment scoring system (CLASS), three distinct teacher profiles were identified: supportive, intermediate, and detached. Supportive teachers demonstrated high levels of teacher-student relationships and classroom management, while detached teachers showed low levels of both. Intermediate teachers fell between these two groups. The study also compared these profiles based on teacher self-efficacy, work stress, and classroom climate. Supportive teachers had the highest classroom climate scores, followed by intermediate and detached. Work stress was comparable for intermediate and supportive teachers, but both were lower than detached. No group differences were found for self-efficacy. This study contributes to the understanding of teacher behaviors with students in the lower grades.
Artist Teacher and Fine Art Education Support Activities in Prison: The Key to Awareness and Self-Esteem
art therapy coping with crisis fine art education fine art support activities penal institution...
The main purpose of this study is to present the practice, opportunities, and challenges of fine art education activities in a prison setting. Prison is primarily a form of punishment, a place where prisoners are disempowered and excluded from the outside world. Art is, therefore, extremely useful as it empowers prisoners and brings them contentedness and relaxation. In this research, we present a case study of Hungary and Slovenia. Through meaningful fine art education support activities, we can impact the awareness of the personal situation of prisoners and empower them to cope with various emotional and social challenges. By systematically incorporating fine art concepts, diverse and user-friendly fine art techniques, and content that can engage users where emotional and social skills are identified, strengthened, and indirectly reinforced, it is easier and better to endure the daily challenges of the prison environment. The presented fine art activities in prisons show that it would be useful to think in the direction of systematic involvement of artist teachers or students of fine art education within practical training to create a stimulating environment that helps to strengthen the affective, psychomotor, and cognitive development of juvenile and adult prisoners.