'student performance criteria' Search Results
Unpacking TPACK in Mathematics Education Research: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
meta-analysis systematic review tpack mathematics achievement...
Teaching with technology is considered a necessity in the U.S. mathematics classroom. However, few studies have established explicit considerations to support technology-enhanced student achievement. The purpose of this study was to characterize the effectiveness of technology in the mathematics classroom by systematically reviewing meta-analytic research. An exhaustive literature search was conducted. After applying a prioi inclusion criteria the pool of 65 initial meta-analyses was reduce to 13 representative studies. Each study was reviewed and characteristics were coded in four categories: (1) sample, (2) measurement, (3) design, and (4) source. An inductive review of the coded studies produced five unique moderators that were the most salient across studies. Overall mean effect sizes were retrieved or calculated from available study data. Hedges g was used as the common effect size metric for comparison across studies. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework was used to interpret the most salient moderators of effects across studies. Studies were categorized by didactical functionality and technology type. The results suggest that effects vary by didactical functionality from small to medium. The largest variations were observed for the didactical function of developing conceptual understanding. Implications for research and instructional praxis are provided.
Students' Family Support, Peer Relationships, and Learning Motivation and Teachers Fairness Have an Influence on the Victims of Bullying in Middle School of Hong Kong
victims of bullying pisa 2015 peer relationship family support learning motivation...
This study aims to explore the effect of students’ family socio-economic status, gender, family support, learning motivation and peer relationships and teachers’ equity on the victims of school bullying in Hong Kong. Additionally, the model was analyzed by SEM. The participants in this study were 15 year-old middle school students living in Hong Kong. The data were collected from the PISA 2015 database and the valid number was 4856. The results indicating that family support, peer relationships, and teacher fairness have a negative influence on school bullying. Family support affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Peer relationship affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Teacher fairness affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation.
Strengthening English Language Teaching in Rural Schools through the Role-Playing: Teachers Motivations
teachers training english as a foreign language collaborative work teaching strategies...
This research examines the English language teachers’ motivations related to the usage of role-playing on English language practice in rural secondary schools in Ecuador. The sample consists of 45 English language teachers who work in public schools located in the rural and urban areas of the province of Manabi. A mixture of qualitative and quantitative research approaches is applied to analyze teachers’ motivations about using role-plays in English class and analyze the relationships between teaching motivations and the factors: teachers’ gender and work location. The instruments are (1) Focus group guide to collect participants' voices about the language practice at schools; and the (2) Likert questionnaire created by the research team, titled: Teachers' perceptions about role-play contribution on the foreign language acquisition process. The statistical analysis shows significant relationships between teachers’ perceptions and the factors in gender and work location. It is concluded that English teachers, both female and male from rural and urban locations in Ecuador, are highly motivated to use role-play in secondary schools as a teaching strategy, in spite of the demand of extra time and energy required, because it promotes in teachers and students the collaborative and creative learning; and improves their confidence to express their ideas and feelings using English as a foreign language.
Potential for Blocking Advancement: Teaching Surveys for Student Evaluation of Lecturers
blocking advancement teaching surveys student evaluation...
In the current study we examined the relationships between student evaluations of lecturers (teaching surveys) and faculty members' perceptions of these surveys as capable of blocking and limiting their professional advancement. Faculty members are judged and evaluated by academic authorities for their academic performance in research and teaching. 178 questionnaires were collected from the faculty of several academic institutions. We employ a mix method analysis, and form a model that reflects the factors perceived by faculty members as having the potential to block their professional advancement in academia. The research findings show that lecturers are of the opinion that teaching load has a detrimental effect on students' evaluations in the surveys. Lecturers at the beginning of their academic life, those in lower ranks: senior teacher and senior lecturer, address the negative aspects of the surveys more than others. The research findings indicate that although more hours are taught in colleges than at universities, it is harder to receive positive survey ratings at colleges. Moreover, since in Israeli academia research is still the main criterion for promotion – faculty members born in Israel were found to teaching less than those born elsewhere. Hence, faculty members think that student surveys are destructive and entail risks for their professional advancement. Assuming that students' voice and opinions on teaching are important – how can a balance be achieved between the research achievements of faculty members and student satisfaction?
Thai Students’ Perceived Teacher Support on Their Reading Ability: Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Sense of School Belonging
perceived teacher support self-efficacy sense of school belonging reading ability...
This study aimed to investigate whether Thai high school students’ perceived teacher support could enhance their reading ability through self-efficacy and sense of school belonging. The theoretical foundation of this study included the theory of social-motivational processes and social cognitive theory. Structural equation modeling was used for analysis and validation. The student questionnaire from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 survey questions regarding teacher support, sense of school belonging, self-efficacy, and reading ability. The sample consisted of the data collected from the Thai students in the PISA2018 survey, with an effective sample size totaling 7968. The research results of the overall model showed that the perceived teacher support of Thai high school students’ had no direct effect on their reading ability, but their perceived teacher support had an indirect effect on reading ability through their self-efficacy and sense of school belonging. From the results can be seen that high school teachers in Thailand, in supporting and encouraging their students in learning, must simultaneously develop their perceived self-efficacy and sense of school belonging. Only thus can there be obvious help to their students’ reading ability.
Effect of Thai Junior High Student Intercultural Competence on Resilience, Well-being, and Reading Attitudes
intercultural competence junior high student reading attitudes resilience well-being...
Students' intercultural competence and reading ability are an essential aspect of their education. Intercultural competence, defined as respect for the cultural views, beliefs, and traditions of others, is a necessary skill for effective and appropriate communication. Using a multidimensional model, this study investigated the effect of intercultural competence among Thai junior high school students on their resilience, well-being, and attitudes toward reading. A 2018 Program for International Student Assessment data set relating to 7,411 students from 289 schools in Thailand was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The research findings suggest that improved intercultural competence strengthens resilience, well-being, and attitudes toward reading.
Observational Record and Self-Report of Teacher-Student Performance in High School Lessons
didactic interaction direct observation methodology verbal self-reports teacher performance criteria student performance criteria...
There are different strategies to analyze teacher and student performance when they interact with each other in class. The most used strategies are direct observation and verbal reports. Even though what is observed or reported depends on theoretical frameworks regarding didactic interactions, these must be related to teacher functions such as supervision, providing feedback, and evaluation of student performance. In this study, instruments for observational recording and verbal reports were developed and validated considering teacher functions and their student performance counterparts to compare the degree of correspondence or divergence between data gathered from both strategies. 135 students enrolled in a science class and their teachers participated. The class was taught in a public high school located in center/south Mexico. Classes were videotaped and the corresponding observational records were analyzed. Two months later, verbal reports were administered to students and teachers. Coincidences and differences that were found revealed that observer-observe interaction is conditioned by social norms. These results were interpreted considering the notion of silence as a communicative element.
Development of the 4C Teaching Model to Improve Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills
mathematical critical thinking skill teaching model the 4c skills...
This study aims to develop a learning model based on 4C skills to improve high school students’ mathematical critical thinking skills. Research & development is the design used in this research by applying Plomp’s development theory which consists of three phases, namely needs analysis, design and implementation, and evaluation. This research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Parepare, South Sulawesi, Indonesia involving five experts, four teachers, and 20 students. Data collection and analysis were carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. Analysis of interviews’ data and observations qualitatively with the thematic analysis technique. We also analyse data from validation sheets, questionnaires, and mathematical essay tests with the help of SPSS 20.00. The results show that students and lecturers need a learning model to improve mathematical critical thinking skills. In addition, other findings stated that the learning model developed was proven to be valid, practical, and effective to be used in general. Developing your learning model can further improve students' learning outcomes and mathematical critical thinking skills because they are designed based on the actual needs and problems. For this reason, a teacher must be able to design his learning model.
The Implementation of Dual Language Programme for Mathematics Education in Secondary Schools: A Systematic Literature Review
bilingual dual language programme (dlp) mathematics prisma systematic literature review...
The study discussed in this paper is a systematic literature review related to the role of dual language programme (DLP) in mathematics education which has been published within the last 5 years. This study was conducted to identify the distribution of DLP studies in terms of year of publication, the study context covered in previous studies, the context of study areas used, focus and trends of past studies, research methods used in previous studies and the role of language in school mathematics education. This review study followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) to analyze articles from Scopus and Web of Science. The findings of the study indicate that research trends in the implementation of the DLP on mathematics education for secondary school students showed an increase from 2017 to 2019. Most DLP-related articles are widely developed in the United States and Germany. The findings indicate that previous studies are more interested in studying the implementation of DLP in rural areas. Past studies have also preferred to use the design of either a qualitative study or a quantitative study to be implemented. Questionnaires, tests and interviews are among the research instruments that are often used for a study.
An Exploration into the Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Cadets’ Problem-Solving Skills: A Mix Method Study
flipped classroom mix method problem-solving skill...
Many education and learning experts currently recommend the flipped classroom model as an alternative to learning after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to explore the impact of the flipped classroom model on social skills and problem-solving skills for cadets. This research used a sequential mix method involving 50 maritime students in semester 7 of the Engineering Study Program at the Maritime Sciences Polytechnic Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Researchers used two main instruments, namely problem-solving skill tests and interviews. Furthermore, in the quantitative analysis, the researcher ran paired sample t-tests and one-way Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) using the SPSS 25.00 program. In addition, researchers also analysed qualitative data from interviews using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed that the flipped classroom model proved to have a positive effect on the problem-solving skills of maritime students. Other findings state that the cadets also respond positively to the flipped classroom model. Researchers recommend that teachers use the flipped classroom model, especially in dealing with learning in the post-pandemic era, like today.
A Structural Equation Modeling of Academic Locus of Control, Procrastination, and Their Impact on School Satisfaction: Insights From the Azerbaijani Educational System
academic locus of control academic procrastination school satisfaction structural equation modeling...
Examining the academic locus of control, procrastination, and school satisfaction is crucial for understanding student well-being and educational outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential mediating role of academic procrastination in the association between academic locus of control and school satisfaction in a sample of adolescents (N = 628; X̄ = 13.30, SD = 1.74) residing in various regions of Azerbaijan. The results revealed that higher levels of internal locus of control were positively related to school satisfaction, while increased levels of external locus of control were negatively associated with school satisfaction. The analysis using structural equation modeling showed that school satisfaction was partially influenced by academic procrastination, which acted as a mediator in the relationship between internal locus of control and school satisfaction. Additionally, academic procrastination fully mediated the relationship between external locus of control and school satisfaction. These findings were further discussed in the context of existing literature, and recommendations were provided for future research in this area.
Organisational Dynamics of University Social Capital: Developing Constructs Through Factor Analysis
employability trust peer networks support services teacher-student relationships university social capital...
This study is designed to illuminate the role of four key constructs—teacher-student relationships, peer networks, satisfaction with support services, and employability trust—in shaping the social capital within universities. Utilising a sample of 1902 working students derived from the Eurostudent VII survey data, this research applies both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to validate the proposed model. The findings indicate that all four constructs demonstrate statistically significant and positive associations with university social capital. Crucially, the measures of reliability and validity are within an acceptable range, lending credibility to the findings. The teacher-student relationship was found to be the most influential factor, highlighting its crucial value in the functioning of social capital inside universities. Along with providing a framework for future studies on the ever-changing nature of social capital in universities, the results highlight the significance of cultivating an interconnected academic community, which enriches the educational organisation as a whole.